
Editorial Council

Vol:6 , issue: 4 , Year:2016 ,


Vasile BURLUI, Prof. PhD (Medical Sciences Academy, Romania)

Deputy Editors
Iulian POPESCU, Prof. PhD (“Apollonia“ University of Iaşi, Romania)
Dan Gabriel SÎMBOTIN, Prof. PhD (“Gh. Zane“ Institute of Economic and Social Research, Iaşi – Branch of Romanian Academy, Romania)

Secretary Editors
Alexandra-Violeta GHEORGHIU, Assist. Prof. PhD Candidate (“Apollonia“ University of Iaşi, Romania)
Laura Ecaterina ROMILA, Assist. Prof. PhD (“Apollonia“ University of Iaşi, Romania)
Cristina IRIMIA, Adrian BRUNELLO, Narcis MANOLIU (translation)

Andrei DUMBRĂVEANU, Prof. PhD (State University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova)
Paul GORBAN, Lect. PhD (“Apollonia“ University of Iaşi, Romania)
Marius HRISCU, Lect. PhD (“Apollonia“ University of Iaşi, Romania)
Maria NICULESCU, Lect. PhD (West University of Timişoara, Romania)
Aurel Mircea NIŢĂ, Assoc. Prof. PhD (National School of Administration and Political Science of Bucureşti, Romania)
Jana PÁLENÍKOVÁ, Prof. PhD (Comenius University, Slovakia)
Dana PERCEAC, Lect. PhD (West University of Timişoara, Romania)
Irina PETRUCĂ, Assist. Prof. PhD (“Apollonia” University of Iaşi, Romania)
Dumitru POPA, Prof. PhD (“Apollonia” University of Iaşi, Romania)
Adrian ROSENTZVEIG, Assist. Prof. PhD student (“Apollonia“ University of Iaşi, Romania)
Irina ROTARU, Lect. PhD (“Apollonia“ University of Iaşi, Romania)
Mina Maria RUSU, Assoc. Prof. PhD (The Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sport, Romania)
Georgeta STEPANOV, Assoc. Prof. PhD (State University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova)
Cristinel UNGUREANU, Lect. PhD (“Apollonia“ University of Iaşi, Romania)

Arif ANJUM, Assist. Prof. PhD (G.D.A.B. Arts and Commerce College, University of Pune, India)
Liviu ANTONESEI, Prof. PhD (“Al.I.Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania)
Pedro BARRAJÓN, L.C., Prof. PhD (Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum, Italy)
Nancy BENSON, Assoc. Prof. PhD (University of Illinois, USA)
Mircea BERTEA, Prof. PhD (International Center for Transdisciplinary Research Paris, France)
Vihren Ianakiev BOUZOV, Assoc. Prof. PhD (St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko, Bulgaria)
Massimiliano BRACALÉ, Prof. PhD (Swiss School of Management, Italy)
Mirela Corina CHINDEA, Prof. PhD (Institute for Romanian Language, Romania)
Ioannis CHRISTODOULOU, Lect. PhD (University of Cyprus, Cyprus)
Marina MUREŞANU–IONESCU, Prof. PhD (“Apollonia“ University of Iaşi, Romania)
Keith HITCHINS, Prof. PhD (University of Illinois, USA)
Grant Matthew JENKINS, PhD, Assoc. Prof. (University of Tulsa, USA)
Byron KALDIS, Assoc. Prof. PhD (Hellenic Open University, Greece)
Gary Francisco KELLER, Regents’ Prof. PhD (Hispanic Research Center, Arizona State University, USA)
Ulla KRIEBERNEGG, Assoc. Prof. Mag. Dr. (University of Graz, Austria)
Constantin MARINESCU, Acad. (Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Republic of Moldova)
Antonio MARTURANO, Prof. PhD (Swiss School of Management, Italy)
Victor MORARU, Prof. PhD (Academy of Science of Moldova, Republic of Moldova)
Rodica NAGY (“Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania)
Muir John POTTER, Research Fellow (Nottingham University, UK)
Nelu PRODAN, Esq., Honorary Consul of Romania in Dallas-Texas
Elena PRUS, Prof. PhD (Institute of Philological and Intercultural Research, Free International University of Moldova, Republic Of Moldova)
Elena SEGHEDIN, Lect. PhD (“Al.I.Cuza” University of Iaşi, Romania)
Alex ŞTEFĂNESCU, Literary Critic and Historian (Writers’ Union of Romania, Romania)
Tapio Markku TOIVANEN, Lect. PhD (Helsinki University, Finland)
Alessandro UBERTAZZI, Prof. PhD (University of Florence, Italy)
Péter VÁRNAGY, dr. jur., PhD, Assoc. Prof. (University of Pécs, Hungary)
Ion VEZEANU, Research Fellow (University of Grenoble, France)

Translation: The Institute of Modern Languages (“Apollonia” University of Iaşi)

Executive secretary: Carmen Iulia Cristea


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