
Editors' Letter

     A new journal of science starts making its way to its readers, to the academic, political and public administration circles, to the civil society and to all those interested in the latest research work and acquisitions from the fascinating and spectacular world of communication. I communicate, therefore I am! This syntagma, a paraphrase of another famous one, expresses a frame of mind and puts into evidence a fundamental and impressive dimension, throwing sparkling light on various domains of the contemporary world. Man started to communicate once he had gained his self consciousness, but the act of communication, which was from the very first moment the engine of his emancipation, has evolved and grown like a tree, having acquired planetary dimensions for some time now. From the Peripatetic dialogues between two or several human beings, from the chit-chat of the mythical gatherings of the rural women we have reached the talks of McLuhan's planetary village. Mankind's formidable progress in all fields has been decisively propelled by the continuing refinement of people's way of communication. The Internet has opened the way for an almost continual communication carried out over cosmic distances.
     This extraordinary part played by communication in the (trans)formation of today's society all over the Globe, the importance of the communication sciences, with their wide range and high pitch in the spiritual climate, have urged us integrate ourselves too, in the thriving, dynamic and fascinating debate taking place on a global scale regarding the ways in which we can communicate as intelligible, fast, convincing and efficient as possible. Long established as a versatile science, communication has become an essential component of the present. Within this polypho ny of voices, one stronger and more authorized than the other one, we, the people from 'Apollonia' University of Iaşi, want to make ourselves heard, too, making known the preoccupations and research work of the specialists from the Communication Sciences Faculty, as well as the results obtained by the medical personalities, authors of impressive achievements in medicine, who are also highly interested in communication, so important in Hypocratic activities.
     By means of this journal, which has the ambition of reaching international standards in communication, public relations, journalism, marketing and advertising, we aim to create a live and generous space for theoretical and practical confrontation. The publishing of our journal in the English language endeavors to make it being read in as many possible corners of the world. The pages of the journal, edited under the patronage of the Scholars' Academy, are generously opened for all those who have a saying in this field. We are eagerly waiting for their contributions and we are welcoming hosts. We, therefore, hope to have a contribution to creative thinking, joining the continuously changing domain of communication, an elite science of the present times, with new points of view, arguing with what is anachronic, reverently and analytically revealing the achievements, but discouraging stagnations of any kind.
     Our beginning stands under the sign of these noble aspirations and demands. It is our wish to remain dignified, bringing in substantial and various topics signed by famous personalities. We hope to get readers' attention from our first issue. The first step has been taken and we are convinced that the next ones will secure our journal a place under the bright sun over communication in the world.

The Editorial Staff

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